June 7, 2022

How Digital Signage and Video Walls Benefit You Today

What is the significance of using digital signage and video wall technology? Digital signage and video walls bring new life to any commercial or educational environment. The impact of static signage has become ineffective. Digital signage and video walls, on the other hand, are designed to catch the attention of consumers and/or visitors and deliver specific and targeted messages that are custom designed. A digital

May 2, 2022

Esports In Schools and How It Increases Student Participation

Esports is growing rapidly, and so is their need for advanced AV. With more than $1 billion in Esports revenue coming in last year, the future of gaming tournaments is bright and more schools are adding it to the extracurricular schedule. Students from all backgrounds and abilities have the capability of joining the activity without having the worry of not being able to “stack up” athletically. Because

March 14, 2022

The Current State of House of Worship A/V

With COVID restrictions slowly lifting, more and more people are emerging from their homes and getting back to normal. But what is normal anymore? Many houses of worship opted to have live streaming and conduct service almost completely virtually during the height of the pandemic. But as more re-enter to their normal lives, prior to quarantine and restrictions, audio visual systems have become not only

November 22, 2021

Supply Chain Chaos and What It Means For You

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, disruption of global supply chains has been another unknown victim. The unprecedented spread of the virus, beginning in early 2020 caused massive shutdowns around the world. Cities were in complete lockdown and consumer demand was diminished, as well as reduced industrial activity. As lockdowns lifted, demand has reached an all time high and supply chains are having a difficult time

August 21, 2020

Distance Learning, Affordable and Easy to Use

As schools reopen, the fear of closure shortly thereafter is becoming a major concern. When schools closed their doors back in March, there was a scramble to get students prepared to complete the school year from home. And while educators rose to the occasion, these may have been short term options. Distance learning is a new normal in the post-pandemic landscape. FrontRow Juno Connect is

August 6, 2020

How Thermal Temperature Scanners Can Help Stop The Spread of Illness

What exactly is a thermal temperature scanner and why would I need access to one? Those might be some of the questions you ask yourself when coming upon an advertisement or product catalog displaying thermal temperature scanners. With the continued spread of illnesses, keeping those closest to you protected has become one of your main concerns. This outline of what the Protect98 and Protect98 Transit