When the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City contacted Video Reality, the need to be able to host clear and concise video conferencing meetings across the state was imperative. The board room has a large square conference table which made getting even the microphone coverage difficult. A TeamConnect2, mounted in the middle of the false ceiling, was the perfect solution. It picks up the entire room with even coverage, allowing meetings to run smoothly. The TeamConnect2, paired with an Audinate ADB-USB-AU2X2 and a Lumens VC-B30U PTZ camera, was a perfect high quality and affordable solution.


Parts used:

  • Samsung QB75R
  • Sennheiser TeamConnect2
  • Lumens VC-B30U
  • Audinate ADP-USB-AU-2X2
Archdiocese-OKC-Whitepage.pdf (577 downloads )