Tulsa Audio Video
Tulsa, Oklahoma – Audio-Video Services

Video Reality is expanding its offices with the addition of a new Tulsa, Oklahoma location. For over 25 years, Video Reality has served Oklahoma and surrounding regions. The demand for our services has grown exponentially over the last several years. In order to provide the highest quality care to our customers, we’ve decided to extend our reach. Our team has grown to include more talent and expertise than ever before and we’re ecstatic to put our resources to work. We will offer all of the same services in extended regions as well.


Enid High School Gymnasium & Performing Arts Center

  With the creation of the new Enid High School competitive gymnasium and performing arts center in 2019, Enid Public Schools wanted to take their facility to another level. This first-class facility provides much-needed space and accommodations for athletics, academic, music, drama, media productions and more. The call to Video Reality was made to take this facility to the peak of performance. A distributed video

Putnam City North Video Wall Scoreboard

  There is nothing better than getting new clothes, shoes, and school supplies for the start of a new school year and showing them off to your classmates. It’s not often a school itself gets to show off its new digs, but that is exactly what happened for Putnam City North, home field to one of 3 Putnam City high schools in Oklahoma City, OK.

Gould Hall Room 203, The University of Oklahoma

    The challenge: A deep low ceiling classroom providing poor visibility, hard surfaces and too few speakers creating intelligible audio for speech and a complicated control system with too many available options. In Gould Hall, The University of Oklahoma had a particular challenge with visibility and intelligibility in Room 230. This is a large classroom was not originally suited for displaying and sharing information

ALC & DIL Classrooms, College of Law, University of Oklahoma

  The goal of this project at the College of Law, at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, was to create completely unified collaboration spaces with ease of use. It’s aesthetically pleasing design offers a glimpse of the technological advances it offers. In the ALC Classroom, eight 75″ NEC displays were installed on custom sliding mounting plates that allow the screens to move smoothly side